-Greg Walden
United States Congressman
Mr. Walden statement show the enormity of important of power in human life. A small shift in electricity cost will effect human life tremendously leading to survival of the employed citizen. Just imagine negative impact, the power deficit may be causing on the economic of a country and generation of jobs to its citizens.
Indian power sector has made progress by leap and bound. Since independence in harnessing resources for generation of power in whatever way possible. However, due to various constant, the demands always over stepped the power, resulting into power shortages in past several years.
In the pursuit of “Power for all by 2012”,Govt. of India, in 11th five year plan, has planned a capacity addition of 78.577 MW. And 82,200 Mw during 12th five year plan
Capacity addition in 11th five year plan
Thermal 59,693 MW
Hydro 15,627 MW
Nuclear 3,380 MW
Renewables 14,000 MW
Capacity addition in 12th five year plan
Thermal 40,000 MW
Hydro 30,000 Mw
Nuclear 12,200 MW
As per data from CEA website, by 31,March 2009, the total installed capacity was 1,47,965.41MW.
India has been experiencing treacherous electricity deficit of 11% in spite of appreciable growth in electricity generation. By March, 2009 the total Peak demand was 109,809 MW and deficit was 12%. The demand of electrical energy is growing at very faster rate and shall increase at higher growth rate to match with the projected industrial and rural growth projection of Indian economy.
A FICCI- Crisil study, titled “Indian Power Sector”. Holistic capacity building, says that country’s economic growth runs a risk of being derailed if urgent steps are not initiated in a concrete way to overcome the deficit. According to report country is facing nearly 2 million trained man power to electricity sector during 11th and 12th plan periods. To meet man power requirement the study says the century would require creation of more Industrial Training Institute (ITIs), other specialized training and carrying cut national wide specialized training program for generation including training program on IT enable applications.
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